14 May 2013

I love my coffee Sweet, like my dog.

This is Bailey--Isn't she sweet?
Darn right she is.

I've been trying to cut back on sugar. Sort of.
The Oreos & donuts we had for dessert last night would prove otherwise, however I have begun to force myself to drink coffee black-watered down a bit... I think this is called an Americano? 

Whatever you are, be a jittery one.

Whatever it's called, the first few sips always taste like dirt it's taking a while to get used to it.  I have noticed I am no longer experiencing the sugar swings I used to get when I'd drink a Carmel-Mocha. That's right, I'm fun-loving & I love sugar.

Oh well. My Soldier & I are trying to eat healthier. He's dropped near 25lbs. in time for his next PT Test--which is like what us public school kids did once a year when we had to "run" that timed half-mile & pathetically suffer through sit-ups & push-ups. I don't know about you, but I'm not bragging about my upper-body strength.

I used gym class as free time to work on my tan.

It's been an interesting journey tiresome adaptation for me to say the least--I do love eating healthier--more fresh fruits & veggies, less Jack-in-the-Box, but it's like pulling teeth it hasn't been easy as my Soldier is a picky eater.
Most health-nut recipes I've read through contain foods too foreign for us to pronounce or take too long of a preparation-before we know, it's 2030 830pm & we've finished off the bag of carrots BBQ chips we were snacking on...We're a meat & potatoes family & change is intimidating. As well as Kale.
If it wasn't for that open window, we would have died in our sleep from the methane gases.

So I've ventured out for salvation ideas so I can keep eating what I like & found this site to help keep track of what I'm eating. I enter in what weight I want to be, & this site generates a graph to track how many calories I should eat to reach this goal.
I enter in what/how much I eat & this site will break it down nicely as to what areas of foods I might need to focus on more. It's a shocker to see how food adds up! It's transformed my food choices considerably.

However, maybe you just want a basic calculator to figure things out? This link leads you to a basic calorie calculator that gives you a number to aim for & leaves the counting up to you!

Here is an article for the more reader-savvy this article explains the theory behind focusing on how many calories you should be eating.

This is my theory.

Now I will just say that this is a time of transitioning for me & my soldier. We know we won't be perfect in changing our ways--some nights we won't make it to the gym or some lunches will be drive-thru, so we aren't beating ourselves up over the little slips & indulgences we take. Limiting our calories is only a short-term plan to get us to our ideal weight quickly & safely so that once we reach that goal, then we will work on maintaining that weight through our workouts & meals.

Have you had to adjust to a "Grown-Up" metabolism? Do you have some healthy meals that appeal to the pickiest of eaters? Feel free to share!

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